small business and social media

Small Business and Social Media

small biz and social media




As a small business owner you don’t need to get overwhelmed and have presence on all the available social media platforms. Allow yourself the freedom to focus on one or two platforms and do it from a place of joyful creation – have fun with social media!






Social Media is very vast and there are lot of things you can do on Facebook or Instagram for your business.
You should think about if your real goal is more of branding your business on social media or a single campaign for a particular event/sale/product.

For example, how many times are you going to post to social media each week? Is this really good for your small business? Will it help you reach your goals? Or, do you need to create a social media campaign for a specific end purpose?

social media and small biz
smm small biz




If you decide to do it on your own, you need to set boundaries for yourself when it comes to how often you engage on social media.
When it comes to social on your phone, if you don’t want to be addicted than productive!
Recommended is to have a professional look after your social media efforts!


