Facebook Ads | Google AdWords

Facebook Ads

What are Facebook Ads?

Understanding how to leverage Facebook Ads is becoming a staple part of almost every social media strategy. And if you want to get your posts seen on Facebook, it’s becoming more and more likely that you’ll have to pay for reach with Facebook Ads.

Paid advertising on Facebook seems to be one of the most immediate ways to impact the reach of your content. Though it’s not without its questions. How well does it work? What kind of engagement do you get?

And what can you expect for your hard-earned money?

Why Facebook Ads?

  • Facebook users are on the platform constantly (around to 20 minutes a day).
  • Facebook Ads deliver unparalleled ability to target specific audiences.
  • Facebook Ads cost at most about 20% as much as Google Ads per click.
  • Facebook’s Ad platform grew 40% in Q3 of 2015.
  • With targeting options like website custom audience and conversion tracking, the platform can be made as simple or as advanced as you like.
  • The platform is constantly updating, meaning it’s getting more powerful every day.
  • Instagram is estimated to grow approximately 49% in 2016, resulting in even more potential impressions for Facebook advertisers.


How much does it cost to advertise on Facebook or Instagram?

There is no set cost for running ads on Facebook. The cost of an ad is based on the size and specificity of your target audience. You can choose to pay per click or pay per impression (we recommend paying per click – it’s easier to measure the success of your ads if you know that person clicked through to your website, Facebook page or app. With impressions, you never know if that ad made an impact on the user or not). You set a daily budget, and Facebook does not exceed that limit. Obviously, the more you spend, the bigger results you’ll see, but we have clients spending as little as $5/day and seeing a growth impact on their Facebook page. The minimum daily spend is $5/day, and you can create as many ads and sponsored stories you want under that umbrella budget.


https: //blog.bufferapp.com/facebook-ads


