Single Biography

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Hello, I’m Maddy,

[/rs_special_text][rs_space lg_device=”35″ md_device=”” sm_device=”” xs_device=””][vc_column_text]Maddy is the founder and CEO of GoForMarketing, with more than 8 years of experience in planning, executing and managing digital marketing campaigns. An IT engineer turned marketer, her background in account management and growth hacking is from managing the digital media marketing for various brands like NBC Sports, BritBox streaming channel, startups, and more.

She has a strong passion for identifying patterns and capitalizing them for the brand’s interests. Her choice for freelancing comes from her  experimental nature, and it’s been proven to be beneficial in the strategies she’s put together for her clients. As the lead and sole Digital Marketing Strategist, Maddy has executed projects in Lead Generation, Brand Awareness, eCom brand launches, Acquisitions, Event Sales, Mobile app downloads and more with the use of Facebook ads, Google ads and Search Engine Optimization. She is also well versed in Pay per Click Advertising, Online Marketing Campaigns, Social Media Marketing Strategy, and Online Reputation Management, Community Management, Social Media Customer Service for B2B and B2C companies.

She considers herself to be a ‘forever student’ as the industry is so dynamic and trends are evolving with every passing day. When she’s not working, you’ll find her listening to podcasts or exploring New York City on foot. She’s a big time  fan of Mystery TV shows, science fiction books and a good glass of wine.

Drop in a hello to her here![/vc_column_text][rs_space lg_device=”15″ md_device=”” sm_device=”” xs_device=””][rs_space lg_device=”30″ md_device=”” sm_device=”” xs_device=””][rs_button style=”type-2″ btn_text=”Get in Touch” btn_link=”|||”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][rs_space lg_device=”50″ md_device=”” sm_device=”” xs_device=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][rs_space lg_device=”100″ md_device=”” sm_device=”” xs_device=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]